Southerns Beekeeping Association


Southerns Events and Activities

The Association focuses on its Monthly Meetings, Field Days and Field Trips in achieving its Objectives.

Monthly Meetings

The Association hosts 10 monthly meetings per year from February through to November. These meetings are held on the first Thursday of each calendar month at Bryanston Sports Club, Payne Road, (off Main Road) in Bryanston, Johannesburg commencing at 19h30.

Meetings are not formal Agenda sessions but rather an opportunity for members to meet and mix and discuss beekeeping and exchange ideas. Normally we host one interesting speaker on a beekeeping subject, whether it is on practical beekeeping tips or what’s happening in the industry. Also at every meeting, members are encouraged to bring along their own ideas and share inventions which they have used or experimented with to improve their own brand of beekeeping. Members are notified of forthcoming meetings and topics by e-mail or are encouraged to phone into the Association’s offices for further information.

Field Days (link to our coming up and past field days)

Field days are practical sessions working on the bees or linked to beekeeping activities. The emphasis is on educational and hands on aspects of beekeeping. These days are generally organized dependent on the beekeeping calendar and are arranged as and when facilities and timing can be coordinated.

Sessions may range from Burning Firebreaks, Identification of Flora for Bees, Visits to Professional Beekeepers, Queen Rearing, etc. Field days normally take place on Sundays and last either a half or full day activity.

Field Trips

Generally once a year the Association may arrange an extended weekend trip out of town to visit a professional beekeeper or a number of beekeepers in another province.