Southerns Beekeeping Association

Southerns Beekeeping Association Forums Bee Keepers Beginners Reply To: Beginners


I am also a beginner. I have just moved a swarm from a catch hive into a broodbox. I had put the catch hive in a tree in my garden. I have been told different things about how to do the transfer. I transferred five frames into the centre of the box, with empty frames with wax strips on either side of this. I have since been told it would be better to put all of the full frames together on one side of the hive, with the empty frames on the other. I have then also been told to intersperse frames with strips between the frames that the bees are occupying. Now I wonder if I should re-open the hive to move frames around. But don’t want to disturb things. So, am not sure what would be best. I will be at the meetings Gabrielle – so look forward to meeting you next year.